Remote-Work Security Best Practices

For organizations that were holding out on digital transformation, the pandemic forced their hands — demanding they take the sudden dive into digitized waters. And whether your company had already begun the process or not, cyber security has been a huge topic for everyone lately, as remote-work security issues have created new concerns.

Even for companies that have worked their way well into the digital transformation process, cyber security can still be a problem. For companies that rushed into implementing support structures for remote workers, there are definitely some missteps that need to be accounted for – and fast.

Common Remote-Work Problems

Hackers are currently enjoying a target rich environment. With so many remote workers going unprotected, the attack surface has expanded to record levels. There are additional devices and connections being made through unsecure connections, and cybercriminals are having no problem gaining access pretty much anywhere they want to be.

Forward-thinking organizations have implemented security awareness training for remote and on-site employees. This gives them the information they need about threats, how cyber criminals target individuals and businesses, security best practices for everything from password hygiene to being wary of attachments, and links from unknown sources.

The training can extend to home-based employees who need tutorials on setting up their WiFi, not sharing work-related technology with family, firewalls, and disaster recovery planning.

Concern at the C-Suite

IT leaders often have issues getting approval from C-suite executives for needed upgrades, but given the remote-work security issues, some of which have already posed problems for organizations who didn’t know they were vulnerable and got hit by cybercriminals, the executives have had no choice but to invest in processes that will keep the bad actors out.

But simply throwing money at a problem doesn’t cover the security risks. It takes a lot of research to know what technologies need to be implemented. Unfortunately, many organizations lack the staff they need to make these decisions. Working with a third-party professional can be the key to getting around this issue, as they have an abundance of knowledge about what’s on the market today and what will fit your unique needs.

At Safari Solutions, our approach to remote-work security has helped our clients stay safe in an increasingly threat-laden environment. From network operations management to cyber security and compliance, wireless solutions to cloud mitigation strategies, if your organization needs assistance navigating the digitization process and staying secure at the same time, contact us and we can guide you.